Joyful morning

Echo is joyful in the morning. She is not a mindless dog. Not stupid, not silly, just joyful. If you were to hear Echo’s train of thoughts in the morning when greeting you, they would go something like this:

As she runs to you and hits you in the thighs with both front feet, read (or better yet, say) this out loud as fast as you can

Hi, hi hi isn’t it a glorious day? I know the sun isn’t up yet, but I’m sure it will be just wonderful, it’s always wonderful don’t you think? I just can’t wait to get started on the day – breakfast yet? Breakfast? Oh, I like breakfast. Not yet? That’s OK I can just run around the living room, wagging as fast as I can until it’s time for breakfast. Oh, would you like this toy? Or this one? Or this one? Oh, you must want one of them! You just have to think a toy would make a glorious day like this even better, wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you? Breakfast yet? No? Ok, well I can keep busy until you have time. There are things to do, things to do. It’s a glorious day and it can only get better every minute. It doesn’t matter that it’s 10 above zero, it’s still a glorious day.

I am a morning person, but even I cannot generate the enthusiasm Echo has to greet each day. There’s probably a lesson in this somewhere.

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